Saturday, May 29

our garden.

It's been months since  I last when to out little farm. I can't believe it's been four years since my parents started to develop our one and a half hectare of land. It used to be so plain. There were just these seedlings of banana, mangosteen, avocado, mangoes, pomelo,durian, and flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. Then they grew. More flowers came. More seedlings came, and it's like this abundant garden.

I'm proud of my parents.

Our fruits are delicious and of the best quality. Our flowers are beautiful, though sometimes I get that overcrowded feeling. Who knew they'd all become so big?

Here are a few of them, as I was practicing my photography skills.

I don't know what this is called. Testament to my lack of horticultural knowledge. 
Calachuchi. One of my favorite flowers. I said this would be the flower who'd grace my wedding, so my mom planted them. It's not gonna happen until 10 years later, though. And who says this is a flower for the dead?! And I happen to like its smell.
A breed of yellowbell. But it's not actually yellow is it? Notice the star shaped center. Cute, right?
A gumamela that only blossoms when exposed to sunlight. It's really big, and not just because of the picture.
I love the effect of sunlight. 

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