Saturday, March 19

It's a Nodame Cantabile spazzing session. Go on with your life.

I cannot look at Nodame and Chiaki without getting all giddy. I love love love love love love love these two. They are my inspiration. I don't know what it is that makes them so loveable. Nodame Cantabile is just perfect. It makes me want to cry. No doubt I am spazzing more than usual for any anime.

If you have watched Nodame Cantabile and did not love it, then you are sadly lacking, my friend. If you did not, then you must not on any account miss this.

Tuesday, March 15


It's a rainy afternoon and I'm sitting here watching old Art Attack episodes on YouTube. Thank God for Youtube, because Disney does not air this show anymore. How I miss this show more than anything right now. My childhood afternoons were filled with Art Attack. Maybe it was in the summer, because I remember it airing at 3pm and I normally have classes by that time.

I loved the big studio. I loved the Talking Head. I loved those papier mache projects (even though I couldn't do them myself). I love his drawing and painting techniques. I loved the mini clips he did between each project, like the Mini Makes, the mirror drawings, the Matchbox theater. But what I loved most of all has got to be his Big Art Attacks. He would show up in a field and then get these random objects and turn them into a big art attack. He once used cars (the real ones) as wheels for a Big Bicycle. The production in each show must have cost a lot, but it was so worth it.

(I have a post in Tumblr that got 20 thousand notes. My biggest moment in Tumblr. haha. So many people love Art Attack. And with good reason).

Did you know that Neil Buchanan himself created and produced the show? He thinks up everything that goes on in the show, including the Big art attacks. And for it to continue airing for more than 12's such a successful show.

I don't think his Wiki does him justice, but at least the Art Attack website said a lot about him. I could just give you  a link to it, but I'm so obsessed right now that I printscreened it all.

I think Art Attack is amazing and they have yet to create a show that's better than this one. Neil did a good job creating this show. Artzooka? Pssh. Please. 

Sunday, March 13

These Men Pt. 2

I have got to stop falling for redeemed psycho killers. In reality, I am not attracted to these guys. But on the big screen, they seem so endearing. First, there's Cillian Murphy. He played the psycho doctor in Batman Begins. And I loved him after I saw him in Inception. And...

Let's just start from the beginning.

I was intrigued by these photos:
(above quote, by John Keats himself)

I found out they were from a movie called "Bright Star", a film about the romance of the poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne. I knew the guy was familiar. I saw him once in a film. I vaguely remember him playing someone who was insane, if not retarded. The actor was Ben Whishaw, an Englishman, who, from his bio, is proclaimed by critics to be one of the greatest young actors of his generation. And the film that I first saw him in was Perfume:  The Story of a Murderer. See, I was right! He did play someone who was somewhat retarded AND insane!

In budding fangirl fashion, I googled him.

And I had a few realizations:

One, that this is the second actor that got me really interested who had (1) Once played a psychopath, and (2) got me intrigued on the second film I watched that they starred in.

Second, that they are both brilliant actors who live in Great Britain, that act for the pleasure of acting, and they love the simple life. I adore them for that.

So what is up with redeemed psychopaths? Is it because they played the psychokiller character so well that they managed to both attract and repulse me? If they can play it so well, then that must be a benchmark of how good actors they are.

Ben Whishaw has sparked my interest, and I'm sure to look out for him in the future.

Sidenote: I don't like poetry that much, but reading about John Keats' life, I could say that he was a true romantic. "I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion - I have shuddered at it. I shudder no more - I could be martyred for my religion - Love is my religion - I could die for that."

Read more:
Another actor that I like very much is Hugh Dancy. First saw him in Arthur as Tristan alongside Keira Knightly, and then as the prince in Ella Enchanted. I don't think he should be exploited just for his good looks because he's a pretty good actor too. I loved him in The Jane Austen Book Club. Such a hotty there.

And since we're talking about celebrity crushes, let's throw in James Marsden. I think he's one of Hollywood's most underrated actors. Maybe he's not getting the break that he needs. He was so good in Highway 69 (an ALMOST nonsense movie, but really had a great story). Then he was cast as Cyclops in the X-Men series, though why was he killed in such a way? No justice to Cyclops. Horrible, horrible movie.
He was adorable in 27 Dresses. He was splendid as Prince Edward in Enchanted. And he was the "saving grace" in the movie flop, The Box. He was also in Hairspray the movie and The Notebook. Point is, he's good in every role he portrays. When I watch his films, I don't see him. He becomes the character. I can't typecast him because he's different as Cyclops, he's different as Prince Edward, he's different as Eddie in 27 Dresses. One common thing though, is he is always charming. (And he;s a former Versace model? Cool.) I love you, James.

Monday, March 7

Just Please Children

I was jogging earlier on our city's track oval. The weather was just nice and I was alone, thanks to my friend for ditching me. But that was fine, as it was a little bit early in the afternoon to have that many joggers around, so at least I didn't bump into unnecessary persons.

You know how children randomly call out to strangers to get their attention. Well these two kids, whose classes had just ended, climbed on the wall of our track and called out to me. It was this boy trying to attract attention, like all boys do, and he seemed bemused when I waved at him. He waved at me back. A few seconds later, more kids climbed onto the wall, calling out to me. The boy said "I love you" the way kids want to shock people, and I gave him the thumbs up. The kids hooted up with laughter. They called to me again, shouting "Wave at me too!" and as I turned my head, there they were, waving at me. So I obliged them of course, which received another hoot of laughter.

Feeling famous much? haha. But seriously, I wanted to shock them as much as they wanted to shock me. What's the harm in waving at a kid? At least they got a few minutes entertainment from it, as did I. Kids' laughter GMH.

Friday, March 4

AI 10 so far

American Idol 9 was so bad. Their line-up wasn't very good. There were a lot of promising girls, but they all went home early. I hated how they overpraised Lee. I personally didn't think he was THAT great. I wanted Crystal Bowersox to win. She was the better singer AND artist of the two! But because the voting America mainly consisted of heart-eyed girls, Lee won. Sorry, Lee.

I was dreading that this season wasn't going to be good as well. I didn't watch the auditions. But it turns out, Hollywood week was entertaining. All those cuts. They had to audition, what, ten times? But we had an amazing top 24. Too bad Jaycee didn't make it. I was so rooting for him. And Colton was uber cute.

So at first glance this season's top 13 seem good. They're all really good. I, for one, am rooting for  a female Idol this season. The girls I'm rooting for are Naima and Thia, though of course the other girls are amazing as well. I was so sad Kendra Chantelle and Rachel Zevita didn't make it.

But there are more guys who stand out. Take Casey, who's such an entertaining guy (I can't believe he's only 20). And then there's Jacob, who's got a God-given talent, no doubt about it. James, whose voice and style pretty much reminds me of Adam Lambert's (i'm not a fan of that very much).

My personal favorite is Paul McDonald. He's such a quirky and laid-back guy. His is my type of music, you see.And what's more, how can I not love a guy who looks good in a magnolia-print jacket?

So from this season's top 13

My two favorite girls are Naima Adedapo and Thia Megia. They're just amazing okay. Thia, a 15-year old girl, can already sing like that? And I just love Naima's voice. She's like the underdog you want to root for.

My two favorite guys are Paul McDonald and Casey Abrams.Casey, despite his cockiness, is one hell of an entertaining guy. And he can pull off the big bass act.

Only time will tell how this line-up will go.

Thursday, March 3

My cousin's dead, and here we are, not dead.

Here we are, confronted again of the limitations of existence. Morbidly I think -- when I found out about his death -- that one day, some person will tell some person of MY death.

What is there to grieve of a person you barely know? Let's face it, when you hear of the death of a person you know, may it be an acquaintance or a relative, you don't really grieve for them, but for yourself. Or am I only speaking for myself?

Truthfully, when I was awakened last night because of what happened (my Mom and Dad were frantically trying to get out of the door and towards the funeral home), I felt just this acceptance that he's gone. I accepted that just recently, I was being invited to his wedding, and now I have to attend his funeral so soon.

And then I have to think of the people he left behind. His mother, who's outlived a husband and now a son, his siblings, and his wife. Why, if I were the wife, I would be so mad at him for driving drunk without even thinking of his family, let alone himself.

What a sad thing, to have your life snatched from you so suddenly, without even a warning.  People say that he fell asleep on the wheel, he was so drunk. He drove head on towards a truck. I imagine him waking up to blaring lights, half-aware that that was the last thing he was going to see. Why do things like that have to happen? It's so morbid.

Most people I know would like to die while they're asleep. I want to face Death head on, awake. No accidents, no stray bullets. I feel I would be cheated out of my life, if I were to die like that.
It's such a pity my cousin didn't have the chance to choose.